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Yoga in Recovery

How yoga can support and enhance recovery.

We offer yoga to all Wavelengths participants and staff at our Sonoma County location. Participants focus on breath exercises to channel their attention inward. As we heal the mind, the body’s health will naturally follow.

There are many methods and programs available to treat substance abuse and addiction. At Wavelengths, we focus on the “whole person”, a holistic approach to achieve and maintain recovery. We use yoga as a complementary health practice and natural form of medicine. Yoga is an addition to traditional substance abuse treatment methods offered at Wavelengths.

Yoga can be described as the use of physical postures and breathing techniques, connecting mind, body, and soul. The focus is on breathing exercises to channel their attention inward. As we teach the mind to approach the body with kind, compassionate, and non-judgmental thoughts, the body will understand that energy as love and will respond favorably. Participants learn to take ownership for the way they feel, leading them to gain control over their subsequent actions and in doing so, they build self-confidence and a developed self-awareness. A person may be more able to cope with cravings and address the feelings that come from these urges by developing a conscious knowledge of one’s own behavior, feelings, and motivations.

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Warren Boyd
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