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What Should you bring to Recovery?

August 24, 2017
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When getting ready to pack for recovery, you need to think of THREE things.

FIRST: are you packing thinking of taking recovery action in your life? “Recovery” is defined as 1. A return to a normal state of health, mind or strength and/or the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. (Oxford dictionary) Are you coming with the necessary focus to get through and maintain a greater life than you ever dreamed of? Are you willing to be guided by others to achieve a lifetime of healthy, happy, and fulfilling activities? Okay, it is not always this positive and amazing. But it does get so much better and bringing the attitude of just allowing yourself to be open—willing to get inside yourself to share where you are at and what it is you can truly change to make recovery occur.

TWO: many come to recovery without some of the essentials, and being prepared with the proper things is important. Plan to bring clothes for at least two weeks, with a variety of options for shorts, jeans, tee shirts, and a sweater or lightweight coat. Weather changes frequently, so be prepared to wear layers that can be added or taken off. A swimsuit, beach towel, and sandals are necessary if you are staying in an area near the ocean. It is good to also plan on more clothes than you thought, including proper sleepwear and activewear, including different footwear for walking, exercising, and lounging in the house with others around. Bring a nicer outfit or two if group activities ask for that. Now, bring all necessary toiletries that will last a while—sometimes we forget the amount of time we are going to be needing these. And your medications need to be marked carefully and able to be transferred to a local pharmacy.

Okay, you have your suitcase ready. Let’s now think of names and addresses of people important in your life to notify for any issues that may come up. Insurance information is essential, and having identification documents will make things much easier. A credit card number to have on file for medications, and other expenses is a big help. Journal notebooks, reading materials, and even your laptop computers can be helpful. Vaping or smoking products can be used outside of buildings. Money for all of this later will be needed, and it is always good to have some available funds for needed things that may come up.

THIRD: Plan not to plan. It is always said that when we plan God laughs. Ideas, thoughts, and future
plans may change greatly as you become healthier and are thinking more clearly. Be open to the process and wherever that takes you. It can mean staying longer in treatment or may mean moving someplace different than you had anticipated. Whatever comes up, be open to the opportunities and enjoy the regaining possession of something lost in your normal state of health and mind! Recovery is an amazing experience and your life is just beginning!




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