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Wavelengths Recovery

24/7 help is available 855-799-6869

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Life Skills and Vocational Training

Proven to enhance self-esteem, decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking.

We take the time to help you plan for the future. We teach life skills that enable you to deal with the demands and challenges of life after treatment. These skills will be very helpful in building a new lifestyle that is free from drugs and alcohol. Our dedicated staff will help you prepare for the future no matter where you are in life.
alcohol rehab center

What Can You Expect From Wavelengths Recovery?

We aim to help participants reclaim their life and self-worth. We know it can be challenging to find work after treatment. That is why we devote time to life skills training and professional development. We prepare our Wavelengths participants for the real world; this includes learning the value of education and employment. We provide the preparation and resources needed to be productive and achieve success after treatment.

At Wavelengths, we adhere to a structured and active program based on the community being the treatment agent and mutual peer self-help (Each One, Teach One). The comprehensive treatment model encompasses four recovery process stages: admission; primary treatment and assessment; development and implementation of an individualized care plan; and independent life skills learning.

We take the time to create a plan for life after treatment. This means we will help you earn a GED, get a driver’s license, enroll in school, help you find your next job, and help you find suitable housing outside of treatment. We will equip you with the best information to help you make the right life decisions.

Wavelengths Office Table

Why Life Skills and Vocational Training?

It may be difficult to reenter the workforce after completing treatment. If you encountered legal problems during your addiction, the challenge can be even greater. Our team at Wavelengths Recovery can help you overcome setbacks and help you pursue a career of your interest. We know the stress of adapting to life outside of treatment, combined with emotional triggers, and boredom, can cause a relapse. Therefore, it is important to stay committed to your sobriety after treatment. Our team is here to help guide you through planning for your future, this includes pursuing education and employment opportunities.
crack addiction treatment

Educational Opportunities

We will take the time to put you in touch with technical schools and colleges. We have helped numerous Wavelengths participants receive their GED. We know education and specialized training can qualify you for jobs. We will help you apply for college and financial aid. If you need certifications or licensing, our team will be happy to guide you through applications and signing up for occupational programs too. You may even be able to take online courses while you are in recovery at Wavelengths.

Job Searching

There are countless ways to search for jobs these days. Our staff can help you create a professional resume and online profile to help your chances at finding the right job. We will help you train for interviews too! It is not just about getting your foot in the door. We guide our participants towards long term success and career satisfaction.
lsd addiction treatment

Referrals to Schools and Jobs

One of the best references you can get will be from your therapist. Our team is happy to verify your capabilities and highlight your skills in a professional recommendation. This kind of leverage can make a difference and get you selected from a group of candidates.

Contact us anytime. From anywhere. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

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Contact us anytime. From anywhere. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.



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Warren Boyd
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