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Finding the Best Rehab in Orange County

May 18, 2021
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If you know anyone with a substance abuse problem, then you have likely experienced firsthand the struggles that come with it. Despite the harm drug and alcohol abuse can have on a person, it’s never easy to give it up.

It often takes more than just willpower to get better; it takes support and guidance from experienced recovery professionals. Many find support and guidance through anonymous meetings, but addiction specialists at treatment centers can provide proper drug counseling and a strong foundation for recovery.

When looking for the right treatment center, there are a few considerations you may want to think about.

Read on to learn how to choose from the best rehabs in Orange County.

Consider Your Goals and Needs

Each Rehab in Orange County will have different specialties and offerings.

What you should be looking for is a facility that will correlate with your goals and needs. For example, if you have a substance abuse disorder, your goal may be to address problematic behaviors.

Perhaps there are even underlying conditions or trauma that are contributing to those behaviors. It is essential that you learn more about yourself and how these conditions may be affecting you.

When you have given goals a thought, the next step is to consider which type of rehab program is going to help you reach those goals.

Investigate Different Options for Rehab in OC

Knowing how to choose a rehab is easier when you have your goals and needs in mind. The best rehabs in Orange County may allow you to consult with a treatment professional before making a final decision.

With a professional, you can discuss your goals and needs while getting recommendations on the options that may work best for you. You can also find a lot of information on facility websites.

Find an OC Program That Works for You

Finding a program that works with you involves knowing the difference between inpatient and outpatient programs. For treatment seekers, this will be one of the biggest factors to consider.

Inpatient Program

An inpatient program is commonly referred to as residential rehab. Patients within this program are required to check themselves into a controlled environment to help them with their addiction.

These patients will stay at a safe clinic where they have access to medical and emotional support all day every day. You’ll often need to have affairs settled before your inpatient rehab entry date.

After setting a date, do the following:

  • Discuss dates with your employer
  • Find living arrangements for family members you take care of
  • Plan a ride to and from the facility
  • Pack any personal items that are allowed

Residential rehab is the best treatment program option for those who feel that they cannot control their addiction in their current environment.

While in an inpatient program, you can have contact with family for encouragement and emotional support. However, a facility may have a specific policy regarding how often you can communicate with loved ones.

Outpatient Program

An outpatient program at an Orange County rehab center is a less intensive option. You’ll only need to visit the treatment center for a certain amount of hours during the week.

The sessions you may experience during an outpatient program are abuse education, group or individual counseling, and coping with the addiction. This counseling is much of the same you receive in residential treatment.

An outpatient program is perfect for those with a mild addiction, or those who have graduated from residential rehab, but it can also be used as a long-term rehabilitation option. They last about as long as an inpatient program, both are typically anywhere from 30 days to 6 months depending on the severity of one’s addiction.

Consider Different Therapies

Just like there are different rehab programs, there are different therapy methods offered at different rehabs that may influence your decision. Most treatment centers offer individual therapy and group therapy, while others add in holistic therapies as well.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is something you’ll do one-on-one with a licensed therapist. There are many advantages of individual therapy which is why it is offered at nearly every treatment center in some form.
During these therapy sessions, there is complete confidentiality and you’ll receive one-on-one attention. Because of this, you can discuss more details and specific problems that you might not otherwise be able to talk about.
Many people find it more comforting and useful because clients can go at their own pace with individual therapy. With time, many people in recovery are able to build trust with their therapist which can be vital to healing.

Group Therapy

General substance abuse therapy groups may have 10 or more clients in one session. Group therapy can help those who may feel as if they are alone in their addiction. You’ll often hear stories from others with similar struggles.
Being able to hear another person’s struggles and relate can be invaluable. It can help a person find strength in their own story and help them feel as if they are not alone in recovery.
You’ll even be able to build up your communication and socialization skills. Sharing your stories with others who have similar problems is therapeutic in itself.

Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapies are non-medical and are used to complement other traditional addiction therapies. The goal of this method is to address the person as a whole — bringing body, mind, and spirit into alignment.

With this type of therapy, you’ll run through several activities like meditation and exercise that can help with overcoming addiction. Nutrition is also a key factor in holistic therapy.
Holistic therapy may also include the following:

  • Exercise
  • Whole food nutrition
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Massage therapy
  • Counseling
  • Art therapy

When combined with individual or group therapy, holistic methods are often very beneficial and peaceful.

Choosing From the Best Orange County Rehab Centers

Orange County is a great place for those looking for a great addiction treatment center. One of the best rehabs in Orange County is Wavelength Recovery in Huntington Beach because it combines beautiful views with beneficial treatment programs.

When it seems impossible to choose the best rehab for your goals and needs, consider this guide. Treatment professionals in Orange County that want to help you overcome your addiction.

Get help today by contacting us and learning more about our programs.




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